What’s a girl to do when she falls in
love with the man whose mission it is to bring her down?
With the murder of her only sister,
Sara, just a few months past, Lily Valier—a woman of beauty and substance—tops
the sheriff’s list of suspects in small town Maine, and for a very good reason.
Dear old Dad had willed his fortune to Sara and only Sara, leaving Lily to fend
for herself. However, with no murder weapon or witnesses, the evidence against
Lily is only circumstantial.
Enter P.I. Aiden O’Rourke, black-haired
and blue-eyed, charged with gaining Lily’s trust and learning her secrets, all
to finally get the goods on her. Things move fast and feelings run deep, yet
when Lily discovers the truth about Aiden, everything begins to come apart.
Aiden’s torn. Despite his feelings for
her, Lily is the most logical suspect, with a great big fat motive. Except
something’s not quite right. Aiden trusts his instincts and they’re screaming
at him to have a look at a former suspect with far more to hide than first
appeared. With little left to lose, Lily decides to stand her ground, and
staying put has its consequences when the murder weapon finally turns up—and
it’s Lily’s gun.
What happens to love, when trust is
A few
hours later, Lily was sailing her way along the narrow, snow-slicked driveway
up to
cabin. If one could even call the swath of mowed-down forest a driveway. It was
more like a trail tamped down by the continued passage of cars and feet. There
were light posts every so often and for that she was grateful.
“What the
hell am I doing?” she said out loud. “This is nuts.” There was still enough
sunlight to see the driveway, but later she’d be on her way back down in the
dark and without her snows on. Was she truly so blinded by this handsome
stranger that she was willing to not only take her life in her hands, but also
chance being stranded with him?
glanced in her rear-view mirror. The driveway was too narrow to make a
three-point turn, and there was no way she could back out all the way to the
road. So she continued cautiously to the cabin that was slowly growing larger
as she neared.
wet flakes splatted on her windshield, and between swipes of the wiper blades,
she spied
shovel in hand, clearing what he could. The stairs to the front porch were free
of the white stuff as was a patch of driveway about twenty feet by twenty feet.
He looked up with a smile when he saw the flicker of headlights.
crunched to a stop just a few feet from him, grabbed her purse and the wine,
and got out of the car.
He leaned
the shovel against the porch railing. “God, I’m so sorry to make you drive
here. I should have picked you up.”
worries. It was a piece of cake,” she lied as she pressed the lock button on
her key fob.
grinned. “Did you really just do that?”
“Do what?”
“You do
realize we’re in the wilderness here. What do you think, a bear or coyote’s
gonna jack your car?”
handed the wine over. “One can never be too careful.”
know, I haven’t even locked the front door once.” He laughed, then, spying the
pine box housing the Merlot, he said, “I told you not to bring anything.”
She threw
him a wink as she made her way up the stairs toward the front door. “Nice
The cabin
was smaller than it looked from the outside. From the road below, it seemed to
loom large from its place on the hill, like a sentinel, keeping watch over
passersby. The cabin was constructed of pine logs with an A-line sloping roof
and huge picture windows. Its high vaulted ceilings and even larger windows,
which ran across the entire back of the cabin, gave it an open, spacious feel.
The heavenly scent of pine surrounded Lily and she took it in, savoring a few
deep breaths.
took her jacket to hang in the closet. “Please, go make yourself comfortable.”
He gestured toward the living room straight ahead of them. “I’ll build a fire.”
Two rich
brown leather sofas were set in a large L in front of a granite fireplace that
went from floor to vaulted ceiling. As Lily spun in a slow circle taking in the
place, she spotted a loft over the back of the living room. His bedroom. She
wondered if she would be seeing it tonight. The prospect of warming Aiden’s bed
brought on a lustful longing.
The fire
sounded like a great idea—a little cliché maybe, but she supposed it was what
people did in log cabins. No bearskin rug in front of the fireplace, but there
was a cozy-looking area rug. She stifled a smile. Her imagination was starting
to run away with her again.
“Be right
back.” Aiden walked to the kitchen at the front of the cabin, adjacent to the
living room. There was barely a wall in sight. Only the occasional sturdy
wooden pillar stood in place, holding up the structure.
Lily sank
into the soft leather sofa, curled her legs up under her, and covered herself
with the fluffy throw draped over the arm of the couch. Gooseflesh pricked her
arms, but she’d soon be warmed by a fire and wine and perhaps even by Aiden.
He came
back carrying a tray with an assortment of cheese, crackers, and pâté. After
setting it down on the coffee table, he gave her a quick smile and was gone
again. This time when he returned, he had the wine she’d brought and two
plastic glasses.
“Here you
go.” He handed over a half-filled glass of plum-colored liquid. “Sorry for the
plastic. I should have bought some real wineglasses. Wasn’t thinking.” Then he
poured some for himself. “A toast.” Aiden held his up and Lily did the same.
“To the most beautiful woman in town.” They touched rims and sipped.
His gaze
lingered and she felt herself flush, but not enough to turn away. It was damn
good to have a man look at her the way he did. Those hungry eyes made her feel
sexy. Lily let her own gaze roam down to his checkered flannel shirt. He looked
like he belonged in the Maine wilderness. The top two snaps were undone, giving
her a glimpse of a well-muscled chest. She toyed with the idea of reaching out
and tugging open the rest of the snaps on that shirt.
“You look
like you’re thinking something wicked.” He raised a questioning brow.
Lily took
another sip of Merlot, a coy little smile playing on her lips. “Maybe I am.”
“Tell me
then. What wicked thoughts could possibly be going through that pretty head of
reached for some cheese and a couple of crackers. “Maybe later,” she said,
leaning back into the softness of the sofa, the Merlot already beginning to
work its magic.
stretched an arm across the back of the couch, his fingers finding her hair.
“I’ll know your secrets sooner or later,” he teased as he trailed a finger up
her neck and along her jawline.
If he
kept this up, he just might.
He put
his glass down and stood suddenly. “Can’t believe I forgot the fire.” He
chuckled as he made his way to the hearth.
mind that, get back here and touch me again, Lily wanted to say, but all she
managed was a smile.
“So, how
long have you lived in Higgstown?” he asked over his shoulder while piling
kindling and crumpled newspaper into a mound.
“Since I
was seven. Mom moved Sara and me here after my parents divorced.”
sorry to hear that. I mean about the divorce. It must have been hard on you and
your sister.”
“It was.
At least at first, but we found comfort in each other.” She thought about those
days. Their dad had been a troubled man who took out his frustrations on Lily
and their mother. Sara learned at an early age how to manage him and always
slipped under his radar.
turned toward her, a log in each hand. “You don’t talk about your family much.
Is there a reason for that?” He looked genuinely concerned and that melted her
heart a little.
She drained
her wineglass, poured some more, and decided to answer. “Dad was”—she wanted to
say “an asshole” but softened her language—“an abusive man. Mom put up with his
crap way too long. It took her a while to find the strength and resources to
leave him. We didn’t have much and what little we did have, Dad lost gambling.
It’s a miracle we finally got away.”
“At least
you did in the end. That’s what counts.”
throat cinched. Should she tell him more about her parents? That they were
dead? Aiden had a way of making her feel safe, as if she could say anything and
he would support her, even comfort her. The wine had melted her defenses.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to give him a few more personal details. “My
parents are both deceased. Dad died when his plane crashed while landing on his
way back from New York City. A stroke killed my mother.”
“Sorry to
hear that.” There was sympathy in his voice, but she could see in his eyes that
the words “plane crash” had piqued his interest. “You don’t hear of people
dying in plane crashes very often. Was it a commercial flight? Sounds like a
huge tragedy.”
reached for her wine; a few more sips were in order. “Private plane. Just Dad
and the pilot on board.”
eyes grew wide. “That’s something you hear even less often.”
nodded her reply. The big kick in the ass was that her dad made his money after
the divorce, leaving their mother to continue struggling. There were never
support payments, and too many years had passed after they’d divided up their meager
assets for her mom to go after him. At least that’s what her mom had said, but
deep down, Lily thought she just didn’t want anything to do with him ever again
and decided to let sleeping dogs lie.
The fire
was blazing now, and Aiden took a seat beside her on the sofa. “I guess it’s
safe to say he was a wealthy man?” He topped up her glass and sipped from his
millionaire many times over. Fell in with the right business partners. He
wasn’t the smartest guy, but he could charm acorns from a squirrel.” Lily felt
the inevitable coming. The next question would be: where was the money now?
Then Aiden O’Rourke would be like all the rest of the men she’d dated. She’d
tell him how her father left his fortune to Sara, and only Sara, and how she’d
inherited it after her sister’s death. Was it wrong to tell him so much so
soon? She sidled away and nibbled on more crackers and cheese.
feel like leaving town?” His question surprised her.
Where was
the question? She tried not to look surprised. “No. This is my home.”
Higgstown is so small; everyone must know your business.”
nodded. “True. There are no secrets in this town.” There was something
strangely comforting in knowing what people thought about you. Would it be
easier in a city? In a place where she could blend into the crowd and be
anonymous? Maybe, but here her roots ran deep and firm, and it would take a
hell of a lot to run her out of her own town.
“And what
secrets do you have?” He grinned.
shifted her gaze, tentative and uncertain. Was he teasing her? “Well…” She
drained her glass. “Um…” Why was she so nervous? Everyone had secrets, but what
innocuous thing could she say that would throw him off this subject, maybe even
coax a smile?
took her hand. “Are you OK? I was just kidding around.”
forced a smile but couldn’t help wonder if she should test the waters, give him
what he wanted. It was unlike her to open up so quickly and easily, but his
touch made her yearn to trust him. The words came out before she had the chance
to think it through. “My secrets might change your opinion of me. You sure you
want to hear them?”
He let go
of her hand and cupped her face. “We’ve just met, but I’m a good judge of
character, and I can already tell you’re a wonderful woman. I want to know
everything about you. Nothing you could say would change what I think of you,
Lily.” A feathery kiss on the forehead sealed the deal.
She took
in a deep breath, then the words tumbled out. “What if I told you I killed my

Jeanne’s debut novel, Invisible, is a young adult
paranormal romance, published by Solstice Publishing and has recently been
optioned for film. Invisible is an Amazon bestseller both domestically and internationally
and continues to receive wonderful reviews.
On October 3rd, 2014, Nowhere to Run, Jeanne’s
latest novel, is set to be released by Etopia Press. Nowhere to Run tells the
story of Lily Valier, a woman of substance and beauty, and her dilemma when she
falls in love with a man whose mission it is to bring her down.
Currently, Jeanne is finishing up work on her third
novel, Dark Angel, a paranormal thriller.
When not reading or writing, Jeanne enjoys spending
time with her daughters, Nina and Sara and her husband, David. She’s also the
proud mother of two fur babies, a cuddly and affectionate Boston Terrier named
Lila and Spencer, a rambunctious tabby, who can be a very bad boy.
Twitter: @JeanneBannon
FB author page:
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