Monday, May 28, 2018

Screwed by Kelly Jamieson - Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway

Kelly Jamieson
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Publication Date: May 28, 2018

Cash Hale has been in love with his best friend’s wife forever. Now Callie and Beau are divorced, but she’s still way off-limits. Dating her would betray his friendship with Beau. And Cash is nothing if not loyal.

Callie Sutherland is starting over. The end of her marriage was just one more way she failed to live up to her wealthy family’s expectations, so from now on she’s not even going to try. It’s time to live her life the way she wants. And she wants Cash.

Cash and Beau aren’t just friends, they’re business partners, and the drop in the price of oil has hurt their business. They need to win the bid for Sutherland Industries’ next big project—but it may get messy since Callie’s family owns the business. Not only would Cash risk his friendship with Beau to be with her, he’d be risking the company they worked so hard to create.

But this new Callie isn’t taking no for an answer.

He’s so screwed…

Their eyes locked together. Cash went very still, his hand on her back, warm and strong. “What?”
Callie slid off the stool, her body brushing against Cash’s, went onto tiptoes, and touched her lips to his. “Sex,” she whispered. “I need sex.”
She gripped his T-shirt in both hands and pulled herself closer, pressing against him. He sucked in a sharp breath, and his hands went to her hips. “Callie…”
Her eyes drifted closed, and she pressed her mouth to his. “Mmm.”
A groan rumbled in his chest as she licked his bottom lip, then kissed him again. And he kissed her back, his mouth opening. He took control of the kiss immediately, and her knees went weak. She clung tighter to him as her head spun, tasting the inside of his mouth with her tongue, electricity zipping through her body when he slid his tongue into her mouth.
He tasted delicious, and his lips moved on hers, firm and warm and perfect. His hands gripped her hips, fingers digging into her buttocks, and he pulled her against him. He was hard.
Oh sweet hopscotching Jesus, he was so hard. She whimpered and tipped her pelvis against him, then slid her arms around his neck, fingers slipping into his hair.
“Callie,” he groaned.
“Mmm.” She nipped his full bottom lip, stroked it with her tongue, then kissed his stubbled jaw. “Cash. Kiss me.”
“Fuck.” But he did it, arms now going right around her, crushing her against his big, hard body. She wanted to climb up him and get even closer. She rubbed her aching breasts against his chest and found his mouth again in a long, deep kiss.
Need zoomed low in her belly, a hot pressure coiling inside her. She needed more, needed him. “This is crazy,” she whispered against his jaw. “I’m dying for you.”
“Jesus.” He clasped her waist, turned, and lifted her onto the kitchen island. Then he shoved her plate of sushi aside and stepped between her thighs. She wrapped her legs around him to bring him up close against her throbbing center and grabbed his shoulders again.
His hands slid into her hair and twisted in the long strands, tugging deliciously on her sensitive scalp. Sensation slid down her spine, tension aching in the small of her back.
“Jesus, you’re hot,” Cash muttered as he nipped at her lips.
“Please. Oh God, please.” She’d never felt like this before, like she needed an orgasm so badly she was hurting, a deep, pulsing, biting desire.
She rubbed against the hard bulge behind his jeans, and he made a noise that sounded wild and hungry. “Careful, darlin’.” He sucked briefly on her bottom lip.
“You need it, too.” She moved against him again. “We both do. Please.”
He groaned and rubbed his nose alongside hers. “Callie…”
“Do you have a condom?”
“Christ.” He took a deep breath. “Are you sure?”

To celebrate the release of SCREWED by Kelly Jamieson, we’re giving away a $25 Amazon gift card!

GIVEAWAY TERMS & CONDITIONS:  Open internationally. One winner will be chosen to receive a $25 Amazon gift card (winner chosen at random). This giveaway is administered by Pure Textuality PR on behalf of Entangled Publishing.  Giveaway ends 6/8/2018 @ 11:59pm EST. Entangled Publishing will send one winning prize, Pure Textuality PR will deliver the other. Limit one entry per reader and mailing address. Duplicates will be deleted.  CLICK HERE TO ENTER!

Kelly Jamieson is a USA Today bestselling author of over forty romance novels and novellas. She writes the kind of books she loves to read–sexy romance with heat, humor and emotion. Her writing has been described as “emotionally complex”, “sweet and satisfying” and “blisteringly sexy”. She likes coffee (black), wine (mostly white) and shoes (high!). She also loves watching hockey. She is the author of the popular Heller Brothers Hockey series and the Rule of Three trilogy. Visit her website at or contact her at

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