Monday, February 27, 2017

Wedding Date Rescue (Fire and Sparks #1) by Sonya Weiss - Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway

There is no faking the spark between them...

Wedding Date Rescue
Fire and Sparks #1
Sonya Weiss
Releasing Feb 27, 2017
Entangled BLISS

As a Firefighter, Kent Wakefield has been burned before, and not just by fire. So when Casey Bradford, his best friend's off-limits, gorgeous little sister, asks him to be her fake boyfriend, he flat out refuses. He doesn't do relationships, real or otherwise. But when his well-meaning, marriage-pushing mother corners him about his cousin's wedding, he panics and tells her he has a date.

After being left at the altar, Casey is out of options. She needs a boyfriend ASAP or she can kiss her dreams good-bye. Who better than her brother's emotionally-unavailable best friend, Kent. She may have nursed a childhood crush, but this arrangement will be purely platonic...that is until he kisses her and suddenly it gets a lot harder to remember it's all pretend.

Oh no. Of all the men, she would have preferred one of her brothers to Kent, with his dimples, sexy good looks, and blue eyes the color of a brilliant summer sky. He’d been her lifeline when she’d been left standing at the altar. Just like he was doing now, he’d swooped in to rescue her and she’d poured her heart out to him, sharing embarrassing, deeply personal stuff that she’d never told anyone else. The memory made her cringe.
He grinned. “Well, if it isn’t our champion tree climber.”
“Go ahead, rub it in.”
When his eyebrows raised, she batted her eyelashes. “I meant to say thank you so much for coming to rescue little old me with your big, strong muscles.” She tried to avoid looking at said muscles. Not that she could see them through his turnout coat, but she knew they were there. They were hard to miss when he wore the skin-hugging T-shirts he favored.
He laughed. “You managed to say that with a straight face.” She was glad he  couldn’t read her checking-out-Kent thoughts as she handed him the dog. After he settled Ski in the bucket, he focused on trying to lift her from where she was wedged.
“Ow!” She sucked in a breath. “You’re going to pull my arms from their sockets.”
He leaned in to see what the problem was. “How are you stuck?”
“Big butt, little vee,” she said. Cookies and ice cream were great listeners after a heartbreak. Of course, later they talked back to you in pounds, but at the time, she hadn’t cared if she’d ever be able to wear anything but her sweatpants.  He didn’t bother to hide his grin. “I’ll get you out,” he promised, but no matter how hard he tugged, her butt was stuck in the tree as snugly as a cork in a wine bottle. “I might have to get—”
“Don’t you dare say you have to get help. I can’t have you calling for reinforcements,” she said. “Do you know the jokes I would have to endure?” She motioned for his hand. “Put it there. Under my butt and give it a good push.”
“You want me to—” He looked uncertain.
“Put your hands on my ass!” That particular body part was going numb and she didn’t want to perform clenches to wake it up and have Kent notice that.
Again with the grin. “You wanna buy me dinner first?”
“Kent…” She scowled at the amusement on his face. Usually she could ignore his annoying teasing but all of a sudden, he was sexy-annoying which was worse. So much harder to ignore when her hormones coupled with the loneliness she’d felt the last couple of weeks were thinking well, hey!

Sweet and fun fake relationship / friends-to-lovers story! Kent and Casey are the perfect couple, even if they didn't realize themselves. They've known each other their entire lives, but as the little sister of his best friend, she has always been off limits to him. But with Casey's matchmaking business in danger of closing its doors after her failed relationship, and Kent's ex attending his cousin's wedding, they are both in need of a significant other. They may be fake dating, but they both have more than friendly feelings for each other they try to fight. While somewhat short in length, I loved the way their relationship evolved as they both discover the ways they've both been there for each other as only someone in love could be. Looking forward to the next book!

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. I was not compensated for this review, all conclusions are my own.

From the time she was a child, Sonya knew she was destined to be a writer. If she didn’t like the ending of a book or movie, she would write her own ending. When her children were young, she often wrote stories to entertain them. At the urging of one of her daughters, she submitted a short story and to her surprise and delight, it sold.  Sonya loves writing all things romance whether it’s writing contemporary adult or teen fiction and still hasn’t lost the wonder that she gets to do what she loves.   She enjoys reading, movies, chocolate, and laughter and credits her daughters as being the sweetest blessings in her life.

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